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​From Real Life Friends & Subject Matter Experts comes funny insightful conversations filled with current news, guest speakers, age-old wisdom and so much more!  

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Meet ​The Team


The always near smile on the face of Heath Wiggins comes from a place of excitement and gratitude. The adventure which is The Smith & Wiggins Show along with all their other collaborative efforts brings him full circle in his enjoyment and pursuit of developing into the media titan that he’s on his way to becoming. Starting at the tender age of 14 Heath appeared vocally on a hometown radio station and volunteered at a non-profit television station both of which introduced him to the dynamics of effective communication through various media forms. In his peer groups in high school and college he used to tell his friends that he would literally rub shoulders, in some form, with the Rockefellers and Carnegies of his time. And he has!

Heath is a strong proponent of realizing that your timeline is not someone else’s. And there’s power in owning your own experiences. Heath is a serial-entrepreneur and has pursued the fields of luxury services, social-change commerce, e-commerce, event production, retail, short-term property rentals, ministry, public speaking, public forum facilitation, print & promotional items, podcasting, book-authorship and much more! He is literally his happiest and most fulfilled by exchanging energy with people of positive pursuits in all callings that help others become higher versions of themselves in mind, body, and spirit. Contact Heath personally at wiggins@smithandwiggins.com.


JC Smith has had a can-do attitude her entire life. Growing up the oldest of 5 with a dad who was the jack of all trades and who believed in doing everything yourself, she learned about lots of things from sawmills, hydraulic repair, welding, canning, farming, including 200 tomato plants a year! She has awesome stories about going wild boar hunting with her dad… WHY? Because there were wild boars running loose on their land. She also loves vintage campers and remodeling.

Working most of her life in a man’s world she has played to her strengths while overcoming her weaknesses. She loves working with a diverse group of people, especially small business owners with that entrepreneur mindset. She brings a mindset of a business owner with an emphasis on working on your business instead of in your business. She is especially excited about The Smith and Wiggins Show and the wisdom, tools, and insights they will bring with a twist! You can contact JC personally at smith@smithandwiggins.com.

Meet Our Content Contributors:


Husband and Wife team "Corkie and The Brain" aka, Corkie Mann and Dennis Galloway are motivational and inspirational experts.

STAY TUNED for an updated BIO.


Carla Meshack is a natural expert in the fields of self-growth and coaching.  Instead of just hoping that they targeted the right obstacle she offers personal guidance for pinpointing where individuals are stuck.  Through her programs she helps people target their individual blocks and clear them once and for all. And through all of it creates a sustainable action plan with supportive accountability for the purpose of manifesting self-defined ideal lifestyles, relationships, and business strategies.

She loves helping clients pursue their dreams, build vision boards, and facilitate forward momentum.

Smith and Wiggins are thrilled by Carla’s spirit and the empowerment she offers through her dedication to helping people build their best selves.

Contact Carla personally at coachcarla@gmail.com or visit www.coachcarla.net


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Creative entrepreneur Mark Stephen Pooler has overcome the kind of adversity that most people cannot even comprehend. He has taken the resilience from his past trauma and turned that into an inspirational determination to help others.

Mark is a professional speaker, a coach and an author. His area of expertise is self-leadership and transformation. He is passionate and dedicated to inspiring others to overcome their own adversity and find their inner entrepreneur to transform their lives.

Mark inspires people to find and use their courage and strength to empower and lead themselves to success.

Contact Mark personally at: info@markstephenpooler.com or visit www.markstephenpooler.com

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